
The aim of Indyk is to provide an excellent and consistent portfolio of products we sell
so we select our suppliers carefully and choose the most appropriate sales channels for each client to achieve their maximum satisfaction through strategy based on the following points:

  • Meeting the needs of each client, connecting with supplier’s specifications.
  • Select suppliers carefully to ensure quality products, and a attractive price for our client.
  • Our multidisciplinary team has Experience in commercial activity and versatile international trade, opening new markets analysing legal requisites.
  • – Department which handles logistics coordination, transportation, loads, customs procedures and all the documentation necessary to carry out the export or import of goods, in the most sustainable and responsible way for the environment that is possible.
  • To Offer all the support necessary to our suppliers and clients
  • To Know products and process
  • To Have qualified and trained personnel, to be able to satisfactorily meet the challenges presented by the current market.

This business strategy allows to increase the daily market position and to differentiate Indyk ITL of the other companies on the market.
This is true for the constant involvement and commitment of the management of the company to achieve:

  • A constant communication with suppliers and customers.
  • Proper communication within the company, prioritizing ethical and personal responsibility.
  • Continuous improvement of services and processes.
  • A professional team is committed to quality services.
  • A compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to the company’s business, given Food Safety culture, product specifications and quality.
  • A rigorous application of quality management system in accordance with UNE-EN-ISO 9001 and IFS broker
  • Integrate into daily operations, hazard evaluation, fraud prevention, and bioterrorism.

Our mission is to work closely with our customers and suppliers to achieve sustained growth and consolidated company, creating benefit to business management.
Ensure compliance with the requirements of our customers based on the Halal Guarantee Mark of Halal Institute and the standards of the countries in which we market our products.

  • Have a Halal quality manager, and an internal Halal team that oversees the responsibilities of each member of the organization in Halal matters, including responsibilities in ethical matters.
  • Train the staff involved in the process.
  • Use Halal certified raw materials or with an express declaration from the manufacturer.
  • Do not use Haram products in manufacturing and minimize the presence of questionable ingredients.
  • Transmit to our workers and collaborators the commitment to the Halal concept.

Vic 11/02/2024
The director

Costa d’en Paratge 22, D-1 08500 Poligon Industrial Sot dels Pradals 08500, Vic Barcelona – Spain