
We are Experts in international trade, operating worldwide and adapting to our clients' needs.

Our areas of expertise

Our Commitment

To be rigorous, professional, agile, flexible, dynamic, and creative to make all kinds of commercial operations possible.





Comença la història

1957 - The story begins

Jaume and Maria get married and create in their house, located in Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà, a small farm with 26 sows and sell piglets in the houses and farms of the area.

1965 – Ampliem el negoci

1965 - The business expands

and Jaume has a larger farm built, thus increasing production and making a building dedicated to piglet fattening, maintenance and breeding.

1989 – Comença la internacionalització-

1989 – Internationalisation process is underway

In a small office in Vic, he started a business importing and exporting meat, especially pork, to countries in central Europe and Eastern Europe.

2006 – Més internacionals

2006 – More international

Present in many European countries, we are starting to be more and more present in Asia, especially in South Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam and also in Russia.

2013 - We reinvent ourselves

Business is alive and markets are very changeable. There comes a time along the way when it is necessary to reinvent yourself in order not to be left behind.

April 1st 2013: Indyk is born


Desember 2017

We reach the figure of €18M

2019 - Diversification

The company is divided into different business units and the Vegetable Oils unit is added. We sell the first cisterns and drums in the American market.

2020 – We are on expansion and the American branch "Indyk USA, LLC" is created.

We also expand the Vic offices, with double the square meters, making them more comfortable and modern. The US branch is created to facilitate sales in North America.


2022 - We manufacture in the United States

A big step for the company. We start our first production process, generate better added value, better service, flexibility and faster delivery times.

2023 – Our 10th anniversary!

We would like to thank all the people who have made this project a reality, both present and past, employees, partners, external consultants, collaborators, friends and family.

Costa d’en Paratge 22, D-1 08500 Poligon Industrial Sot dels Pradals 08500, Vic Barcelona – Spain